Get Involved

There are several ways that you can get involved with Wild Wilderness Women:

1) Become a member of our D.C. group!

WWW currently organizes through a Facebook group, which you can request to join HERE. When you join, please make a post introducing yourself to the women. All members are encouraged to create Facebook events within the group for hikes, paddle trips, documentary viewings, craft parties, and whatever else you’d like! Have additional questions? Feel free to hop over to our contact page to reach out.

2) Submit your writing, poetry, or photography to our blog.

We’re always looking for guest submissions for our blog, and periodically post particular topics we’re looking to explore and share diverse opinions on. If you’d like to pitch a piece to us, please do so through our contact page! You can also find topics we’re exploring in particular HERE, and feel free to pitch us anything related to those.

3) Support Babes Off the Beaten Path.

Our annual trip is an opportunity to partner with great companies who support outdoorswomen and want to join us in our mission to build friendships, foster good feels, and empower women by being a visible encouragement and champion for other women to get outdoors and engage meaningfully with one another. We’d love to chat about how you can get involved at the level that’s right for you or your company. Please reach out through our contact page.

4) Follow along on social media!

We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram—join us for a little wilderness inspiration in your digital sphere.

We also send a monthly email newsletter to our members. Subscribe here!

Header photo credit: Nicole Lesnett